STI and STD may have confused you if you’ve heard them used interchangeably. STIs can progress to become STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) (sexually transmitted infections). In contrast to the obvious signs and symptoms of an STD, STIs can go undetected for long periods of time. In this article, we’ll go over the significance of STI testing as well as four compelling arguments for being checked on a regular basis.

Who Should Get Screened for STIs?
In cases where an unexpected pregnancy necessitates an abortion, STI screening is essential. Chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing guidelines from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Every year, all women under the age of 25 who are sexually active should be tested.
- New or many sex partners, or a partner who has an STD, should also be considered risk factors for women over the age of 25.
- A prenatal screening programme for high-risk pregnant women should be implemented as soon as possible during the pregnancy.
- An annual test for sexually active homosexual and bisexual males is recommended.
Let’s look at why STI screening is so crucial now that you know who needs it. STIs are widespread. Even if you’ve only had one sexual partner and always wear a condom, if you’re sexually active, you run the risk of contracting an STI. Every year, the CDC estimates that there are 20 million new cases of STIs. There are no symptoms of chlamydia or gonorrhoea most of the time.
It is impossible to tell if you have an STI just on symptoms because the most prevalent STIs tend to be symptomless. Chlamydia is an infection which is known as the “silent disease”. Even if they do, most women with gonorrhoea misinterpret their symptoms as being caused by a bladder or vaginal infection. In addition, STI tests and screenings are simple, convenient, and rapid. A urine sample is all that is needed for STI screening.

At an STI screening session, what can you expect to see?
Arrive on time and refrain from urinating (peeing) for approximately an hour before your appointment. You will be asked to produce a urine sample after a brief intake. The two STIs for which you will be tested are gonorrhoea and chlamydia, which will be explained to you by a qualified, registered nurse. The clinic will give you an appointment once your test results will be available in almost a week. A prescription for chlamydia medication will be issued if your test results are positive.
Even if your symptoms disappear, you should continue to take the medication as prescribed until the bottle is empty. A recommendation for treatment will be given if your gonorrhoea test results are positive. Each positive test result must be reported to the state’s public health agency, as mandated by law. You should be retested in three months to confirm that your therapy was successful if your test result is positive. The whole visit is over in less than thirty minutes, which is a rarity these days.