Do you agree that we all desire to become better riders? I’m certain that I do! Therefore, I felt it would be entertaining to provide a few suggestions on various things that each of us may do to better our riding. Take a little break and reflect on the most recent ride you went on with your horse. How did things turn out? Did your ride conclude on a pleasant note? Or did you give up and put your pony away because you felt defeated and frustrated? The following are some things that I have found to be helpful in maximising the effectiveness of my time spent riding my horses and making the most of that time.

Evaluate Your Strengths and Identify Your Weaknesses- I mean to evaluate oneself in the most straightforward way possible. What is it that you excel at? Where do you think you might improve? And what is it that you have absolutely no idea how to do? You can really assist yourself understand what you need to improve on to become a better rider by conducting an honest self-evaluation of the level of riding you are now capable of. Being truthful with oneself about your capabilities is the most important step in achieving your goal. While you are riding your horse, give careful consideration to every detail. Where exactly is your leg positioned, and more specifically your heel? What about your hands and the way you hold yourself in your upper body? If you want your horse to have the best gear possible, then do look into kerckhaert horseshoes.
Perform all of the gaits, including the walk, trot, and canter. Is it possible that you are shifting your stance in order to keep your balance, or are you tugging on the mouth of your horse? Keep your attention focused on your seating position, and after you are through riding, set aside some time to reflect on what went well and what may need some improvement. The next step is to consider what steps you can take to get better.

Video Your Ride- There is a significant gap between imagining how you perform and really seeing how you seem to others when you are riding. You may record a video of your ride if you’ve got a mobile phone and someone to assist you. You may count yourself among the really fortunate if you have access to a recording device, a tripod, and a second person to assist you. Prepare your camera or get help from a videographer, and record yourself galloping your horse. The walk, the trot, and the canter should all be practised. A video of at least five minutes duration should be prepared for you to watch. The next step is to get a notebook and pen and make a list of the things you are excellent at and the things you need assistance with. To be an even more skilled rider, it would be beneficial for you to have a visual representation of how you seem while you are riding. And even the most accomplished individuals have certain aspects of their game that may be refined further. We have limitless potential for improvement!