Solar panels provide clean energy and will make a considerable impact on your utility bill. You will find that you no longer have to pay large energy bills as it is covered by the solar energy that is converted to usable electricity. When you contact a solar power company, they will inspect the site and determine your power requirement to come up with the number of solar panels required for the house.

After some time once the installation is complete, there may be some debris that can get collected on the solar panels and this can actually interfere with the absorption of sunlight and thereby the efficiency of the entire panel. While rainfall can help clean a lot of the debris and dirt on the solar panel, there can still be some build-up of grime which can hinder the function of the panels. If the solar panels are located in a hard to reach place such as a rooftop, it is best to contact professionals for solar panel cleaning Gold Coast.
They will have the experience and skill to work in risky areas and they will also have the right equipment to do a thorough cleaning. You can get a quotation for the cleaning from several companies and set regular cleaning sessions based on the conditions of your location. This way, you will not notice any significant drops in the efficiency of the panels.
To clean the panels, you will need a soft bristled brush that comes with a telescopic extension pole. There should be safety gear such as a harness, hard hat and work gloves. For cleaning purposes, you will need gentle dish soap or a gentle cleaning solution, a sponge, a squeegee and a garden hose to wash the panels. If the solar panels are mounted on the ground, it will be easier to carry out maintenance. Before cleaning, the solar panels should be shut off.
It is best to choose a cooler day as you don’t need to worry about the risk of damage to the panel when the water dries. You need to avoid abrasive cleaning products. A good homemade solution for cleaning is using one part vinegar with eight parts water. The safest way to clean rooftop panels is to use an extension tool while you are still on the ground. But this may not be possible in certain installations.

You should start by brushing the dirt with a soft bristled brush before you use water. Sometimes if there is a lot of debris, the water can contribute to smearing the grime. Once the debris is removed, the panels can be sprayed with a garden hose to clean them. It is best to avoid high-pressure water jets. Distilled water is recommended or you can use water with a water softener. If there is persistent dirt on the panels still, you can scrub it with a sponge or soft cloth.
Try to scrub gently in a repetitive motion to remove the dirt. A cleaning solution can help with these persistent marks. But make sure to remove all the soap afterwards. You can check the solar output to see if the cleaning has had any impact.