Students at Catholic schools are taught that God is active and present in both their lives and the world. They can spot the “imprints of God” in their everyday activities, particularly when facing difficulties. They grow in their “sacramental consciousness.” They become instruments of God’s grace within their neighbourhoods, towns, and the rest of the world as they observe the evidence of God’s love all around them. There is no such thing as a secular subject, according to an incarnational worldview, because all learning contributes to the growth and complete development of the divine image that each person already possesses.
Our lives are made up of numerous small and large risings and dyings. We see that there is redeeming power in both suffering and the power of the cross as a result of our relationship with the Paschal Mystery. The solution to the puzzle of all of humankind’s accomplishments and failures can be found there. We also become aware of the value of community through the Paschal Mystery experience. We run into our own Simon of Cyrene to guide us, just like Jesus did. The way we engage in Jesus’ dying and rising is through academic A’s and F’s, sports victories and losses, and the laughter and tears in our own lives.At catholic high schools Brisbane children develop a personal relationship with God through their interactions with family, friends, and teachers. They encounter relationships that are supportive and full of love, which mirror the love and life-giving power of the Trinity. We as a community like honouring our triumphs and accomplishments. Our sorrows and setbacks are shared. We band together in solidarity and even push one another to improve as divine reflections. We are social beings by nature.

Students at Catholic schools have the chance to investigate the beauty and depth of Sacred Scripture as seen through the prism of religion and practised on a regular basis. They perceive God as continually being revealed in the Bible as the One who guides the Israelites through the Promised Land and redeems them through the death and resurrection of Jesus. They also start to believe that people are made in God’s likeness and are predestined for eternal life. They discover how to use Scripture in their own existence as a resource for worship and the authentic standard for moral behaviour.
Recent studies have shown that graduates from private schools are substantially more likely than graduates from public schools to actively engage in civic activities. Catholic schools were ranked first in the nation for the proportion of graduates who actively engage in civic and social projects like voting, volunteering, writing letters to legislators, participating in Catholic Concerns Day, and making charitable donationsnot just as a tax deduction but also out of a sense of the needs of justice.

Service is emphasized in Catholic schools as a crucial part of the curriculum. From kindergarten to the twelfth grade, service initiatives are common in Catholic schools. Service-oriented learning is encouraged at the undergraduate and graduate levels through higher education initiatives like the Jesuit or Dominican Volunteer Corps. Catholic Family Services is one of the diocesan agencies that offer resources and assistance to individuals from all walks of life. As the community is at the core of who we are, Catholic school students are taught that there are no outsiders, only fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are all a part of God’s family, so it is our duty to attend to the needs of others.