The majority of kids don’t come out and say that they want to work in the funeral business when they reach adulthood. A profession that involves being near corpses, observing individuals on the darkest days of their lives, and organising gloomy, solemn ceremonies does not sound like the most exciting option. Having said that, the picture that you have in your head about what a mortician performs is neither complete nor totally accurate. A career in funeral directing can be extremely satisfying. Other common misunderstandings regarding professions in funeral homes include the following:

1. If you work in the funeral business, you will constantly be exposed to tragic situations. The passing of a beloved one is among the most trying and distressing situations a person may go through in their lifetime. However, counselling families while they are in the throes of severe sorrow can be an extremely taxing experience for funeral directors as well, even though funeral directors are seldom intimately tied to the deceased. As a funeral director, you’ll see a wide range of emotions, and sadness won’t be the only one. One explanation for this is that grieving encompasses a wide range of feelings, and parting ways with a loved one can be accompanied by a variety of experiences, including laughter, calm thought, wonderful memories, and reconnection with family and community. At a great number of the memorials we have assisted with, the attendees have gathered together to honour the deceased person’s life in some way. If you are choosing to cremate the body of the departed, then make sure to get an urn from urns for ashes Australia
Your day-to-day responsibilities are quite varied as well. Being present at funerals and providing solace to bereaved families is only one aspect of being a funeral director. It entails completing paperwork, making phone calls, organising events, doing chores, and offering care to individuals who have been respected and loved.

2. Being in the funeral business is a boring career. Every family is different. And so is each burial, memorial ceremony, or commemoration of life that a family organises for a loved one’s honour, whether that person was a friend or a relative. A typical week in the life of a mortician may include organising a conventional church service and entombment in a cemetery, studying Tibetan death ritual practices, making arrangements for a 7-gun national guard salute, or organising a celebration that includes food and live musical acts. All of these activities can take place in the same week.
3. It is eerie to spend the day surrounded by dead people. The majority of the time, funeral directors are not physically present while a person is being cared for after death. Although we do assist in transporting the departed into our care, washing and dressing the body, and doing embalming, the majority of our time is spent on other things, such as communicating with the family, making funeral plans, and general administration.