We live in an era that compels us to prioritize convenience, sometimes even more than safety. This is why we end up stocking up on food and even storing them for as long as we can. Nevertheless, here are some mistakes you need to try best to avoid.

Storing Meat in the Top Shelf
It is an extremely common habit to store meat and raw fish on the top shelf of the fridge. For some reason, it has always felt right. Nevertheless, this is something you might never want to repeat. As you know, poultry and raw meat of any kind usually have blood and fluids (contain bacteria) and could leak out.
If you place them on the top shelf, they could drip down on any food placed on the bottom shelves, making them go stale and unusable. This, you may want to place any raw meat on the bottom shelves, also away from cooked food and fresh produce.
Not Covering Stored Food
This surely isn’t something you haven’t heard of. In fact, you might be guilty of shoving uncovered plates or dishes of food into the fridge in a hurry. However, this is something you may want to stop doing because it could only lead to food losing its freshness, and getting dried up and contaminated.
They also absorb all kinds of odours, which is why they tend to smell funny. Consider using food grade containers and sealable bags instead. Reusable food bags are great to store fruit. The safer your containers are, the better quality your food.
Storing Leftovers Too Long
You may take it lightly, but it is important to store your leftovers correctly. This does not only mean using the right storage containers or covering them before putting them in the fridge, but also how long you store them. The basic advice is to put your leftovers in the fridge no later than an hour or two after you are done. Also make sure you consume them within two or three days so you are sure they are still good.
Keeping the Wrong Temperatures
The right temperatures in your refrigerator and your pantry play a vital role in maintaining the quality and freshness of your food, and preventing spoilage. Ideally, your refrigerator should be set at minimum 40 degrees Fahrenheit and your pantry between 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It is best if your pantry cabinets are built away from the stove, ovens, and the fridge. Warm environments can cause your food to go stale and spoil faster.

Not Being Careful with Canned Food
A lot of people tend to be caress with canned foods. Just because they are believed to have longer shelf life, it does not mean you should care any less. Again, temperatures play an important role, and so, keep them away from sunlight or other heating appliances.
Also, consider using your canned items at the earliest even if the expiry dates are a lot later. If you have a bunch of canned food sitting on your pantry, you might want to use the oldest ones/those with the earliest expiry dates, first.